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Engaging Women to DECIDE on energy transition

This webinar, hosted on 8 March -International Women Day- had the intention of highlighting the importance of women role in the European energy transition. At first glance this transition seems to be growing at a vertiginous path creating a variety of upcoming opportunities. However, gender equality needs to be considered if a just and inclusive shift towards a decentralized and more sustainable energy system is to be achieved.

There are clear gender differences relating to participation of women in the current energy transition, not only in the overall participation but also at decision making levels. Still, energy is used by people from all genders, which means that those who represent the energy sector do not reflect the demographics of energy users. For that reason, discussing methods to inspire and equip women to engage in the energy transition will be one of the main topics of the event.

Women face several gender related challenges, from vulnerability and energy poverty issues to representation at decision making levels. DECIDE, PowerPoor and W4RES representatives, together with our other experts in the field will discuss these barriers and will inspire and equip women to engage and tackle gender inequality.

More about this event that took place on 8 March 2022 can be found here.

Publication Date: 09 Mar 2022