ROLECS is a research project that intends to gain a deeper understanding of the development and the role of Local Energy Communities (LECs) in Belgium. Funded by public Flemish institutions, it involves 23 companies and...
ROLECS is a research project that intends to gain a deeper understanding of the development and the role of Local Energy Communities (LECs) in Belgium. Funded by public Flemish institutions, it involves 23 companies and 4 knowledge institutions. The project aims to provide answers to questions relative to, amongst others, triggering end-consumers participation to LECs, integrating technical energy models to social behaviors and defining the impact of large scale roll-out of LECs regarding the decarbonization of the energy system.
Relation to DECIDE
ROLECS strives at testing theory on 10 complementary energy communities pilot sites where key questions can be asked, such as: Which type of data to collect?
What type of tariffs works with end-users? How to control and operate to maximise potential of energy exchange? ROLECS'
prime target is to optimise the local energy flows to reduce the current grid costs, and to realise the electrification of the energy system while respecting the constraints of the existing distribution grid.
COME RES - Community Energy for the uptake of renewables in the electricity sector. Connecting long-term visions with short-term actions – is a project under the EU’s Horizon2020 programme, aimed at facilitating the...
COME RES - Community Energy for the uptake of renewables in the electricity sector. Connecting long-term visions with short-term actions – is a project under the EU’s Horizon2020 programme, aimed at facilitating the market uptake of renewable energy sources (RES) in the electricity sector. Specifically, the project focusses on advancing renewable energy communities (RECs) as per the EU’s recast Renewable Energy Directive. COME RES takes a multi- and transdisciplinary approach to support the development of RECs in nine European countries; Belgium, Germany, Italy Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
Relation to DECIDE
COME RES directly works on and with Renewable Energy Communities in nine european Countries. The project explores the barriers and drivers for RECs in close exchange with local stakeholders. Good practices will be identified and transfered to to other regions taking local, regional and national specific contexts into account.