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The H2020 project WinWind aims to increase the socially inclusive and environment-friendly market uptake of wind energy by increasing its social acceptance in regions where wind energy is scarce.
The H2020 project WinWind aims to increase the socially inclusive and environment-friendly market uptake of wind energy by increasing its social acceptance in regions where wind energy is scarce.
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The project provides a clear handbook on how social acceptance of wind energy can be increased, as well as an online tool. Both are highly useful to energy communities working with Wind Energy and were developed considering and involving energy communities.
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The Morphological Box
The 2018/19 Clean Energy Package of the European Union introduced a wide range of policy measures to further advance the Energy Transition, with one focus being low-carbon, renewable energy (RE) to replace fossil-based...
The Morphological Box
The 2018/19 Clean Energy Package of the European Union introduced a wide range of policy measures to further advance the Energy Transition, with one focus being low-carbon, renewable energy (RE) to replace fossil-based sources. RE production is typically disaggregated locally, legally, and in terms of ownership of the production facilities. Moreover, RE production technologies are various, and so are their respective usage, investment schemes, investors, geographic and financial properties, and, as a result, their support measures. With a focus on the new regulatory framework of the Directive on the Internal Energy Market (IEMD) and the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), we analyse best practice business models for Energy Communities (ECs).
To capture the multitude of pluri-dimensional design perspectives for ECs this online tool provides access to an interactive database, the “Morphological Box for Energy Communities”. The tool enables researchers and policy makers to identify the constellations for participation models that best fit the new EU policy strategy and to show opportunities with regard to combinations underused or not at all exploited yet. The aim of this project is to contribute to the further development of Energy Transition participation models in general and ECs in particular and to foster necessary developments such as cross-border ECs and value sharing concepts for ECs.
The backend of this tool – presently still under development, to be launched in March 2023 – allows existing ECs, members of nascent ECs and researchers to include their EC projects into the database in order to increase the number of cases included in the database and thus render its outputs more robust over time.
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Smart Cities Marketplace
The Smart Cities Marketplace is a platform which was created by merging the former Marketplace of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) and the Smart Cities Information System...
Smart Cities Marketplace
The Smart Cities Marketplace is a platform which was created by merging the former Marketplace of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) and the Smart Cities Information System (SCIS). It is a major market-changing undertaking supported by the European Commission bringing together cities, industries, SMEs, investors, researchers and other smart city actors.
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The Smart Cities Marketplace has thousands of followers from all over Europe (and beyond), many of which have signed up as a member. Their common aims are to improve citizens’ quality of life, increase the competitiveness of European cities and industry as well as to reach European energy and climate targets. They work with three pillars of action: Explore, Shape and Deal. Explore the possibilities, shape your project ideas, and close a deal for launching Smart City solutions.
Score Project
SCORE is a project aiming to facilitate the co-ownership of renewable energy for consumers. Its work extends in three pilot regions in Europe (in Italy, the Czech Republic and Poland) and later in various European...
Score Project
SCORE is a project aiming to facilitate the co-ownership of renewable energy for consumers. Its work extends in three pilot regions in Europe (in Italy, the Czech Republic and Poland) and later in various European cities. The project highlights the potential that democratic participation models hold in the fight against energy poverty for the inclusion of women and low-income households, where these under-represented groups participate as prosumers through financial empowerment rather than through social protection.
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SCORE is formulating policy recommendations at the EU and national level to promote prosumership, with a particular focus on the inclusion of women and low-income households and the removal of barriers for consumers to become active market players. The project does that by carrying out extensive research on Energy Communities and Collective Actions.
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ROLECS is a research project that intends to gain a deeper understanding of the development and the role of Local Energy Communities (LECs) in Belgium. Funded by public Flemish institutions, it involves 23 companies and...
ROLECS is a research project that intends to gain a deeper understanding of the development and the role of Local Energy Communities (LECs) in Belgium. Funded by public Flemish institutions, it involves 23 companies and 4 knowledge institutions. The project aims to provide answers to questions relative to, amongst others, triggering end-consumers participation to LECs, integrating technical energy models to social behaviors and defining the impact of large scale roll-out of LECs regarding the decarbonization of the energy system.
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ROLECS strives at testing theory on 10 complementary energy communities pilot sites where key questions can be asked, such as: Which type of data to collect?
What type of tariffs works with end-users? How to control and operate to maximise potential of energy exchange? ROLECS'
prime target is to optimise the local energy flows to reduce the current grid costs, and to realise the electrification of the energy system while respecting the constraints of the existing distribution grid. is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives with the aim of empowering citizens and cooperatives that wants to achieve energy democracy. "REScoops" refers to energy cooperatives, business models... is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives with the aim of empowering citizens and cooperatives that wants to achieve energy democracy. "REScoops" refers to energy cooperatives, business models where citizens jointly own and participate in renewable energy or energy efficiency projects; its citizens or Renewable Energy Communities.
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The energy cooperatives that are part of RESCoop are all RECs. The organization supports starting and established energy cooperatives and provides them with tools and contacts to help them grow and prosper while spreading the coopearative model.
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Repowering empowers communities to develop their own clean energy co-ops. They help them by sharing their knowledge in support of a sustainable future,to support people living in fuel poverty and help organisations...
Repowering empowers communities to develop their own clean energy co-ops. They help them by sharing their knowledge in support of a sustainable future,to support people living in fuel poverty and help organisations demonstrate social and sustainable leadership.
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Repowering provides the tools and the expertise that enable communities to develop and own renewable energy, thereby fostering the creation of Energy Communities.
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Renaissance project is an Innovation Action (IA) which aim is to deliver a community-driven scalable and replicable approach, to implement new business models and technologies supporting clean production and shared...
Renaissance project is an Innovation Action (IA) which aim is to deliver a community-driven scalable and replicable approach, to implement new business models and technologies supporting clean production and shared distribution of energy in local communities.
In the first phase the Consortium will collect data to identify stable and equitable business cases in four Local Energy Communities (LEC) across Europe, thank to MAMCA analysis.
The resulting scenarios will support the co-design of the ReEnergise tool, which will help identifying the optimal configuration for an integrated and decarbonised Local Energy Systems (LES). The tool will be tested in each Pilot Site and followed by a financial viability assessment.
Thereafter an innovative platform for integrated management and value delivery across all actors will be implemented and interoperability realised.
As a consequence, the energy communities of prosumers at demonstrator sites will be fully connected and the use of RES will likely increase beyond 27% .
In the last phase, the RENAISSANCE approach will be simulated under market conditions connecting 10 sites across the globe, to demonstrate its scalability and replicability.
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OVESCO The Ouse Valley Energy Services Company
Ovesco develops community-owned renewable energy projects in East Sussex in the run to becoming zero carbon. They work in partnership with schools, businesses and community groups.
OVESCO The Ouse Valley Energy Services Company
Ovesco develops community-owned renewable energy projects in East Sussex in the run to becoming zero carbon. They work in partnership with schools, businesses and community groups.
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Ovesco creates community owned renewable generation assets in order to make the town carbon neutral. So far they have built over 5.25 MW towards their target. They have already completed 9 projects in the realm of renewable energy and energy communities, and they have more in store.